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Business Hours: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Monday – Friday Wellness & Facility: 6:30 AM to 8:00 PM Monday – Thursday 6:30 AM to 4:30 PM Friday 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM Saturday Closed Sundays
Center for Active Generations East
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September is Healthy Aging Month

Healthy Aging Month was started to encourage people to focus on their health and take precautions to help them face the challenges that come with aging. September is Healthy Aging is a brand that started over 30 years ago in 1992 when people born in the 1940s were turning 50. It spread the message that it is possible to adopt a healthier lifestyle at any age and mature gracefully. The origins are credited to a television special that inspired people to make lifestyle and dietary changes to prevent heart problems. In 1996, the United States Postal Service (U.S.P.S.) launched the Healthy Aging campaign. A letter-writing contest was initiated with the topic “What’s Your Secret For Healthy Aging?” The goal was to raise awareness about leading a healthy life and to make people recognize the importance of letter writing. The campaign also included television ads, seminars, guides and kits, and prizes.


1. Pick an activity – and do it at Active Generations! Make a change in your lifestyle today. Choose an activity you enjoy. It can be anything from playing a sport, exercising, going for walks, or making changes in your diet. Pick one and commit to it. 2. Share it on social media Let everyone know the importance of this day. Take pictures of yourself working out or eating a healthy meal, and share them on your social media page. This will inspire more people to follow in your footsteps. 3. Read more about health and nutrition Leading a healthy, active lifestyle is important, especially after the age of 45, when our bodies tend to be more prone to injuries and ailments. Hence, it is important to gather knowledge to help you live a long, healthy, and happy life.


1. It’s good for the brain Leading a healthy, active lifestyle is important, especially after the age of 45, when our bodies tend to be more prone to injuries and ailments. 2. It slows down aging Exercise is known to slow down the process of aging. 3. It makes the skin healthier The pores of the skin that are often blocked by dead cells and debris are cleared when you sweat during exercise. 4. It improves sleep quality Research shows that exercising can help you fall asleep faster and improve sleep quality. 5. It boosts confidence Exercise gets you in shape and releases endorphins, which boosts your confidence levels And remember that mental health is just as important. If you are a Caregiver, make sure you are managing your stress. Talk to Case Management about free support services. https://nationaltoday. com/healthy-aging-month/