Catering is now available through Active Generations! For more information call ( 6 0 5 ) 8 0 0 - 1 3 0 7 or email [email protected]
Center for Active Generations Main
Business Hours: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Monday – Friday Wellness & Facility: 6:30 AM to 8:00 PM Monday – Thursday 6:30 AM to 4:30 PM Friday 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM Saturday Closed Sundays
Center for Active Generations East
Business Hours: 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM Monday – Friday Wellness & Facility: 6:30 AM to 8:00 PM Monday – Friday 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM Saturday Closed Sundays
Catering is now available through Active Generations! For more information call ( 6 0 5 ) 8 0 0 - 1 3 0 7 or email [email protected]

What We Offer

Activating the best in all of us

No matter what stage of maturity you’re in, Active Generations has something to offer. We provide state-of-the-art fitness facilities, organized activities, support services, and a vibrant community, so adults of all ages can live their best lives.

Active Generations Mission Statement:

To promote positive aging for adults and to enhance the quality of life for all through programs, services, and education.

Services and Activities:

We offer a multi-faceted facility and program opportunities designed to keep you active and engaged with the world around you:

  • State-of-the-art Fitness Center to promote fitness and a healthier lifestyle
  • Clubs to share interests with likeminded people
  • Organized activities that promote an active, social lifestyle
  • Nutrition program and daily meals
  • Educational opportunities to continue lifelong learning and develop new skills
  • Volunteering opportunities to give back to the community
  • Regular events and gatherings
  • Trips to see and experience more of the world around us

Call 605-336-6722 or click here to join or for more information on becoming an Active Generations member.