Active Generations Catering is live! For more information, click here Orders can be submitted online, by calling (605) 800-1307 or emailing [email protected] Happy March for Meals! Help us support Meals on Wheels in the month of March. For more details, visit March for Meals
Center for Active Generations Main
Business Hours: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Monday – Friday Wellness & Facility: 6:30 AM to 8:00 PM Monday – Thursday 6:30 AM to 4:30 PM Friday 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM Saturday Closed Sundays
Center for Active Generations East
Business Hours: 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM Monday – Friday Wellness & Facility: 6:30 AM to 8:00 PM Monday – Friday 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM Saturday Closed Sundays
Active Generations Catering is live! For more information, click here Orders can be submitted online, by calling (605) 800-1307 or emailing [email protected] Happy March for Meals! Help us support Meals on Wheels in the month of March. For more details, visit March for Meals

Ceili Cottage

Ceili Cottage Adult Day Services

Ceili Cottage Adult Day Services is a program designed to meet the needs of individuals living with advanced Dementia and/or Alzheimer’s disease and who are unable to stay home alone during the day.

The Ceili Cottage program provides Person-Centered Care that supports the individuals’ interests and abilities. Each program is thoughtfully developed to encourage meaningful engagement, interaction, purpose, and creativity. All individuals employed at the Ceili Cottage are nationally certified dementia-care specialists; this training is offered through the Alzheimer’s Association essentiALZ curriculum. Ceili Cottage partners with caregivers and physicians in a team approach to provide each participant with a program tailored to meet their needs.

This adult day program is offered in a unique residential setting in Sioux Falls and serves individuals living throughout the Sioux Empire.

To schedule an assessment and participate in a free trial day,
please call (605) 336-6751 option #2 or send us an email:

Molly Keegan, Director of Adult Day Services
[email protected]

Deb Gross, Assistant Director of Adult Day Services
[email protected]

Ceili Cottage Participants and their Families are provided with the following opportunities:

  • An affordable option to remain in their own home and receive care and companionship in their own community.
  • Access to Person-Centered activity programs that build on their abilities and encourage success.
  • Supervision in a supported home-like environment that offers the opportunity for new friendships.
  • Respite for caregivers allows for a much-needed break or provides the opportunity for caregivers to remain employed.

The Ceili Cottage Adult Day Services program is graciously funded by the Sioux Empire United Way, the Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation, Active Generations, the State of South Dakota, and individual donations.

Read about the impact Ceili Cottage has made on this caregiver’s journey.